Ski Day at Angel Fire Resort

We are excited to announce that MVHS will celebrate the end of the semester with Eagle Nest Middle School in an experiential learning day. We will have a Ski Day at Angel Fire Resort on December 16th.

General Information

1) This is a required school day. If students do not come to school or report to ski resorts they will be marked with unexcused absence. If students do not wish to participate they will be allowed to stay at school under teacher supervision. 

2) Helmets are required at all times when skiing/snowboarding and students must follow all MVHS and Angel Fire Resort rules while attending the event.

3) Students must be academically eligible on 12/7 (see MVHS student handbook for guidelines), and maintain eligibility through 12/15 to participate in the event.

4) Students will meet at MVHS at 8:00 like normal, then will be transported to the mountain at 8:30 to pick up tickets, rentals etc. 

5) Please indicate on the permission form if your student is allowed to be dismissed from school at the resort at 3 pm or if they need transportation back to MVHS to catch the bus/car ride. 

2019 MVHS Ski Day - We are excited to once again participate in a tradition that’s been on hold since Covid-19.


Senior Night


MVHS Hosts Second Annual Turkey Trot (A.K.A. Huffin For Stuffin)!