Music from Angel Fire performance at MVHS

MVHS students and staff enjoying a concert by Music from Angel Fire’s Young Artists program.

We are so excited to share that Music from Angel Fire and it’s Young Artists visited our campus today. The educational program guided students in a variety of ways to experience music. Throughout the program MVHS students explored emotions tied to music, understanding the time, place and personal history of composers, and an inside look at the hard work it takes to become a Young Artist.

“In August of most years, conservatory students from such prestigious places as Juilliard and Curtis (in 2022) visit area schools while they participate in the Music from Angel Fire festival. In other seasons, collegiate musicians from New Mexico universities present similar concerts and mentoring.”

“For high school and middle school musicians, this is often the highlight of their year, opening their minds to new possibilities of excellence. Although Music in Schools provides immediate inspiration and benefits to students, Music from Angel Fire recognizes that music helps many first-generation college students win scholarships that pay for their education, in any field of interest, in return for performing with a college band or orchestra.” (Music from Angel Fire - Music in Schools)

To read more about Music from Angel Fire’s mission, history or 2022 concerts please visit their website at


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